Monday, November 21, 2011

August Part One

August 2011 started off great!  Ending left a little to be desired…


Colorado Rockies stadium – a great place to watch a game.



The first week of August, Kelly and I drove to Denver to watch a Colorado Rockies Baseball Game.  The Rockies played the Phillies, it was a beautiful day, at a great stadium with seats in the shade.  We were also able to spend time with our friends, Jon and Diana that lived in CO at the time.  They were at the game and we had a great dinner at their home before we left to drive back to SLC.


I haven’t quite mastered the self portrait with the camera just yet.


Chase and Emma started school in Mid-August.  Click Here for the post about Back to School.



Emma has been obsessed with horses as long as we can remember, she’s just never been around them.  Thanks to Groupon, we took Emma to her first horseback riding lesson.  It was such a great experience!  We do know that Emma is really allergic to horses so we prepared fully, full dose of Benadryl before leaving the house and long sleeved shirt and pants in the dead of the heat to limit contact with her skin. 


Kelly got a new job!  Believe us, this is a great thing.  Kelly was hit hard with the down-turn in the economy.  He was hired by a great company and now has a job that he really likes.  The only downside is he now works graveyard shifts.  This new schedule took a toll on all of us but now that we have a routine under our belts everyone is doing great.

Need. To. Update. Blog….

It’s been a really long time that I’ve spent time updating this blog that I seemed to be so dedicated to when I first started.  Maybe I needed too many things to do so I could add this to my task list.  I’m busy, really busy with work (this is my “busy” season) and running a house and raising kids.  I’m taking a break – for a few minutes – to update this blog.  The next few posts will be dedicated to a review of each of the last few months, mainly for me and my family to look back and maybe catch up a few friends and family that are interested in what is going on in the life of me and the Dolar family.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Back to School

Is it really time to go back to school?  The Summer went by really fast.

There were big changes in the Dolar house this year because our kids don’t all go to the same school anymore.  Chase and Emma are in Elementary School and started school on August 15th.


Chase started 4th grade this year.  I love his style, mostly because he doesn’t care what anyone thinks.


He was so excited to go back to school.  He has a hard time sleeping the night before the first day of school because he is so excited.


Emma Jane started 3rd Grade and she has been fun to watch this year.  She is particular about doing her hair and having her earrings match.


Love this girl.

Mr. Mastin is now in Jr. High!  What happened to my baby?  Mastin started 7th grade on August 29th and not only does he have 7 teachers, he is riding the bus. 


He is so tall and handsome and such a great kid.


Check out the socks!  Aren’t they cool?


Mastin and his friend, Caesar waiting for the bus.


And there he goes…

Tuesday, August 9, 2011


This picture of Kelly's paternal grandparents, Dallas & Hazel Dolar. After 96 years on this earth, Grandpa Dolar passed away on July 7th, 2011. We have been blessed to have this pillar of our family with us for this many years.

Dallas & Hazel had been married for 73 years and set an amazing example for all of us. I remember the first time I was welcomed into their home, Kelly and I were young and still dating. Dallas was a quiet man, and with those dark sunglasses could be intimidating when first meeting him. However, from the moment I walked into that blue house in Bountiful I was welcomed as part of the family. I never felt like I was just the girlfriend of their grandson, I was Katie and part of the family. Of course, when Kelly and I married several years later I was officially part of the family.

Grandpa loved his family, his children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Hearing about the family trips when Kelly was a child are what memories are made of. As Grandpa got older and was no longer able to drive their fifth wheel camper trailer, Kelly and I bought the trailer from them. I remember the day we drove to Bountiful to pick it up, Grandpa spent, what seemed to be hours, with Kelly and I going over every inch of the trailer, he wanted to make sure we knew how to use it and take care of it properly. We treated that trailer with the same love and care that Dallas and Hazel had for all of those years.

As I mentioned, Grandpa was a quiet and unassuming. I was always delighted when I was able to engage him in a long conversation or story about his childhood or the kids and grand kids growing up. Although I didn't hear it much these last few years, I loved to hear him laugh.

Our son, Chase is named after Grandpa. Chase Dallas Dolar, we choose the his middle name after Grandpa, its a strong name and one we were proud to carry on. Chase is a strong child that will grow into a strong man and hopefully remember his Great-Grandpa and carry on the strength that he showed during his time here.

I don't know what else to say. He is missed and loved. I'm honored to be a part of this family that Dallas helped create and loved. We will continue to love and take care of his sweet Hazel. Until we meet again...

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Its Been A While…

I don’t have a good excuse for the lack of updates to my blog.  I have some catching up to do.  To start, we had some family pictures taken by the wonderful Amber Lintz Photography.  Here are some recent shots of the family.


Handsome bunch, don’t you think?


Mastin, Emma Jane and Chase.



Monday, February 7, 2011

It was Different Today

It was different today, not in a bad way, not in a good way, just different. You see, today was the first day in 12 1/2 years that Kelly or I did take or pick up one or all of our children from daycare.

Last Friday was our last day at daycare. A few things you should know:

  • Kim started watching our kids when we only had one, Mastin, and he was 3 months old.
  • We bought our home in this area to be close to Kim
  • We consider Kim and her family part of our family
  • We’ve watched Kim and Manuel’s daughters grow up, get married and start families of their own
  • I never once worried about the safety and security of my kids
  • I can’t imagine having anyone else take care our children while we have to work

Mastin and Chase haven’t gone to daycare for a little while now. And now, Emma doesn’t go either. It’s just different today.

I’ve struggled to think of the words for this post and what I wanted to say. Words cannot describe how blessed we have been to have Kim and her family in our lives. We are thankful to call them friends and family and although we won’t see them everyday now, we will continue to be in each others lives for many, many years.

Kim, Manuel, Shirley, Amber & Vanessa thank you for the love and care that you have shown to our family throughout these last 12 1/2 years. We love you all!