Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Attack of the Killer Tomatoes

I don’t know how our ancestors did it….  I decided one day last week that I wanted to can homemade spaghetti sauce and chili sauce.  I was able to find a good deal on tomatoes and I convinced my Mom to help.  When I was younger, growing up in Springville, my Mom canned everything.  Dad always had a large, plentiful garden and my Mom took those home grown veggies and made food for our family that would usually last most of the Winter.  Maybe I was trying to capture some nostalgia from my childhood or maybe I was trying to be domestic and prove that I can provide for my family and not rely on eating out all the time.  I think I captured both of those things but mostly I think I was a little off my rocker when I planned this little adventure.     

We had planned to make our preserves on Saturday but the tomatoes weren’t ripe enough, so instead we got to do it on a Tuesday night…a “school” night, a “work” night, a “you need to get to bed early” night.  Whatever, I’m woman - hear me roar!

Let me give you the run down:

  • 75 lbs of TomatoesDSC04145
  • 10 large Green Peppers
  • 15 large onions
  • An entire bag of Costco sized garlic cloves
  • Spices and more spices
  • 24 Quart Kerr Jars
  • 32 Pint Kerr Jars
  • 7 hours of preparing and cooking (remember, a Tuesday NIGHT) 
  • A huge mess in the kitchen, every pan in the house is dirty
  • Tomato remains DSC04160everywhere
  • 2 extra trips to the store for items we forgot or ran out of
  • 1 phone call to a neighbor to borrow Worcestershire Sauce
  • Countless Diet DSC04149Cokes
  • An episode of Glee, Dancing with the Stars, No Ordinary Family, Brothers & Sisters and Oprah
  • Exhaustion
  • Success!








Needless to say, I have a much greater appreciation for all the time my Mom and my Grandmothers spent in the kitchen every fall.  Sure, it was a lot of work but I really enjoyed spending the night with my Mom, making yummy things we will enjoy for months to come.  Here is some of our finished product and a picture of the time I left Mom’s house, as in AM…

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