Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Back to School

Is it really time to go back to school?  The Summer went by really fast.

There were big changes in the Dolar house this year because our kids don’t all go to the same school anymore.  Chase and Emma are in Elementary School and started school on August 15th.


Chase started 4th grade this year.  I love his style, mostly because he doesn’t care what anyone thinks.


He was so excited to go back to school.  He has a hard time sleeping the night before the first day of school because he is so excited.


Emma Jane started 3rd Grade and she has been fun to watch this year.  She is particular about doing her hair and having her earrings match.


Love this girl.

Mr. Mastin is now in Jr. High!  What happened to my baby?  Mastin started 7th grade on August 29th and not only does he have 7 teachers, he is riding the bus. 


He is so tall and handsome and such a great kid.


Check out the socks!  Aren’t they cool?


Mastin and his friend, Caesar waiting for the bus.


And there he goes…


  1. I SO remember the day you took Mastin to Kindergarten. I can't believe time goes by so fast. Soon enough this will be Brad and Mastin will be graduating!

  2. Kelly and Katie - Your post just brought goosebumps to me oh oh op op wait.. now tears! Your family is so beautiful and your kids are so amazing! I cannot believe how much they have grown and how great they are! I am so thankful that I have been able to watch them grow! I just love them. Katie I have been thinking a lot about you and hope you are feeling well!
    XO Shirley
